Another Blog to Read, If You Are Into Reading Blogs Occasionally very grumpy.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

There is no drain on natural resources or unwanted side effects.

Just to give you an idea of the kind of inane shit the Americans here are into, this link about "radionics" was saved in a tab when I opened Firefox at the school today.

Met a college-age person yesterday who's been sick for three weeks after drinking tap water somewhere along her travels. I asked her if she'd maybe gone to see a doctor, and her response was, "No, I'm thinking maybe I should but I've been using a tincture for my intestines." For those of you who don't know much about tinctures, like me, I'd suggest checking out the wikipedia page, where you can read how a tincture is fermenting rotten organic mass made from bark and other detritus - yes, she's basically taking angostura bitters.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the amoeba that's been camping out in her intestines for a month fears no tincture.

There are actually people at this school who look to tarot readers for advice about their day.

There are also, of course, wonderful rational people here. They are from Guatemala, Denmark, Germany, and other places where middle class people don't pretend that we all have invisible force fields keeping us healthy, and that to manipulate this force field is a "developing science."

I really do believe that the left in the US may do more damage to science than the right has in the long run.

Really, you gotta read that link on radionics. I just browsed a little further - check it out, it's a seance!

It is not necessary for a patient to be present for the practitioner to 'tune in' to him/her. Something unique to the patient such as a signature or hair sample may be used as a proxy, or ‘witness’. This can happen, we believe, because part of the mind of each of us is linked via a universal mind. The universal mind seems to function outside the familiar space-time framework of our day-to-day lives and that is why it does not matter where the patient and practitioner are geographically located. They can be together or many miles apart.

This sounds like KRS-ONE on a particularly crazy day.


Steve's mom said...

Should I know what KRS-ONE means? Tell your friend your mom said go to the doctor already.

j said...

Hah hah, this post made me remember to tell you that we all miss your crankypants observations in LA. Especially Rakim.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, "crankypants observations"- that nails it.

pickleandcake said...

omg ss i am so relieved we are both cranky about the same types of people. no seriously. the only thing that drives me nuts worse than people who think politics is like, worthless, man, are people who think crystals can save them (well, and "christians" that hate everyone, kind of like i'm doing).

i think it probably boils down to hating on those elements of "the left" that make the left look a fool.

that said, in some respects tinctures are not that much crazier than some types of conventional medicine, e.g. premarin, which is made from pregnant mare urine. tinctures can be helpful for things that conventional medicine also doesn't really have a handle on, like allergies and feeling restless.

but geez, for a bacteria? my mom, who is very open to alternative treatment, is like "uh, you would get an antibiotic".

p.s. sometimes we call my friend kristen KRS-10.

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