Another Blog to Read, If You Are Into Reading Blogs Occasionally very grumpy.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Sk8 or Die

It seems lame to sit in front of a computer while in another country, to the point where you're writing many blog posts in one morning. My excuse is that I'm waiting for a phone so that I can make a phone call about Important Business.

I got some photo access. This cat hates me.

Caught this shot of a rad carnival ride on a trip to check out the (Bootleg) Black Jesus of Esquipula, not actually in Esuipula, but rather in Chiquilaja. The (Original) Black Jesus of Esquipula, in Esquipula, was sculpted by a Portuguese traveler hundreds of years ago. Syncretism in full effect: it was built on the spot where a Mayan deity was then still worshipped.

They built another one in Chiquilaja, so people wouldn't have to travel so far for the veneration. Went to Mass, tried to shoot a little metal star with a bb gun, failed, lost Q5 in the deal.

I love these skate-rat catchphrases graffitied all over the city of Xela.

These are wonderful people.

In America most urban twenty-somethings will refuse to eat Domino's pizza on some feigned moral grounds, but here the stuff is like gold. People even say that it's "better here," which is not true. It's almost identical here. Absolutely serviceable pizza if you are in a bind.

1 comment:

pickleandcake said...

is that...plantains and french fries with pizza!? omg!

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