Another Blog to Read, If You Are Into Reading Blogs Occasionally very grumpy.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

". . . including an entire family of seven young children."

Woke up yesterday and picked up the paper here, Prensa Libre. I was amused to see Burris being rejected from the Senate in the International section. Next page was coverage of the Israeli attack on the UN schools in Gaza. In the U.S., did they print the photo of the little dead girl? In the photo Gazans are digging her out of the rubble of the school, using pickaxes. Anyway, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that she was probably not a militant, she was probably actually just a little girl who attended a UN school in Gaza.

From the UK Guardian: "Most of those killed were in the school playground and in the street, and the dead and injured lay in pools of blood."

From the same article: The UN was particularly incensed over targeting of the schools, because Israeli forces knew they were packed with families as they had ordered them to get out of their homes with leaflet drops and loudspeakers. It said it had identified the schools as refugee centres to the Israeli military and provided GPS coordinates.

And Obama? "Deeply concerned," but not enough to say anything at all of substance. I'm willing to believe that he's got some sort of reason for thinking his silence is useful. But as my friend Mike Norbeck pointed out to me recently, he's been holding weekly addresses for over a month now, covering all sorts of topics.

In the LA Times today, coverage of fresh attacks on Lebanon are the tenth most viewed article, falling after three articles about the Lakers and the Dodgers. Coverage does not even make the top ten most emailed.

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