Ken informs me via email that Governor Testicular Virility was on The View recently. I won't be able to check it out since the reputed-to-be-fast satellite is giving us 1996-ish webbing speeds in Colomba today, but if anyone who reads this happens to have seen it, please do tell. Who would ever have dreamed of such a thing back when Ghost was the Titanic of 1980-whatever?
Big thanks to Mike Sweitzer-Beckman for sending me the above picture, the best picture to ever grace the occasionally-esteemed pages of the Chicago Tribune.
1 comment:
My mom has it on Tivo. I started to watch it, but he's stupid and I had enough. Plus, the fact that he was being interviewed by Barbara Walters via big screen TV placed four feet away from him was stupid. I don't know why Whoopi or Joy couldn't interview him, it would have been more entertaining.
Barbara asked him, flat out, "Did you or did you not try to sell the Senate seat?" And he answered every time, "The tapes will speak for themselves." And he said that things were taken out of context. Then, she quoted his "f'cking golden" statement and asked what kind of context he meant that in. And he repeated himself. Then I had enough.
And there were these giant ferns surrounding the TV in front of him and it looked like leftover decorations from City College graduation. He was talking to the TV!
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