Another Blog to Read, If You Are Into Reading Blogs Occasionally very grumpy.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Blago Reportedly Considering Hiring Hitler's Barber

Okay, so we already know Governor Blagtastrophe has retained R. Kelly's lawyers, raising questions as to whether Fitzgerald caught Blagojevich on tape while peeing on a 14 year old girl. Now he has hired Drew Peterson's PR firm.

For those of you who don't recall this story or never heard it, Drew Peterson is your average suburban Chicago cop. "Average" in a region where suburban cops randomly pull over teenagers in love and force them at gunpoint to strip naked in a ditch. Carrying on the proud tradition, Drew Peterson killed two of his wives during the last few years. Unable to quite explain his actions, Peterson got Publicity Agency to represent him to the media. (Then he promptly landed himself a new fiance, which is weird and creepy.)

And now Blagojevich has hired the same company, probably because he wants the opportunity to recite Walt Whitman to the nation on Larry King Live, thus launching his 2009 campaign for President of the United States.

Thanks to Persky for the heads up, and to everyone who emails me Blagonews or indulges my interest in this greatest of soap operas.


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