Another Blog to Read, If You Are Into Reading Blogs Occasionally very grumpy.

Friday, July 10, 2009

This just in from the Department of Stretching Metaphors Way Too Far

Way too far.
Obama and Hitler have a great deal in common in my view. Obama and Hitler use the "blitzkrieg" method to overwhelm their enemies. FAST, CARPET BOMBING intent on destruction. Hitler’s blitzkrieg bombing destroyed many European cities - quickly and effectively. Obama is systematically destroying the American economy and with it AMERICA.
To whit: Obama's steady stream of 'post-partisan" denial and mediocre policy non-stances is leading us to national socialism and, well, genocide?

As to the link itself, if you follow it: is the Baltimore Sun not the most bootleg-looking website you've ever seen? It is as bootleg as the Orioles mid-80's uniform, which I always thought was a gorilla holding a baseball bat.


1 comment:

Daniel Ahkiam said...

yeah. it might as well be a blogspot address.

oh snap...