Another Blog to Read, If You Are Into Reading Blogs Occasionally very grumpy.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Joe Lieberman still sucks.

I liked Prez. B's comment on hijab in Cairo, but this article is worth reading anyway. Why? Because it points out things that Obama glaringly left out of his speech regarding women's rights, and because it pokes at Joe Lieberman, and we must not forget that he sucks.

This is also relevant to the Abu Ghraib photos question.

What kind of a country passes a law that has no purpose other than to empower its leader to suppress evidence of the torture it inflicted on people? Read the language of the bill; it doesn't even hide the fact that its only objective is to empower the President to conceal evidence of war crimes.



LA the plannerd said...

as does lindsey graham. this is a lame and troubling bill, but it's assuaged a bit by ending at the day obama came in, yes? he is not trying to prevent mistakes from being aired under his presidency but under bush's presidency. still weird, but i was glad at least to see that it has a deadline.

i would bicker w/ daou a little that obama only focuses on women being able to wear the hijab, because he says "choose" to wear it, that is, not being forced to. also it emphasized the right to education and employment.

i don't want obama to get a free pass, it's good for him to be challenged and called out. but i guess i also want him to have a chance to be executing some larger strategies.

LA the plannerd said...

please don't think i'm trying to be contrary since we keep having different thoughts on things, i hope it's not annoying. it's interesting to me to try and weight these different difficult subjects and see the perspective of someone whom i respect.