Another Blog to Read, If You Are Into Reading Blogs Occasionally very grumpy.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

How are you? Fine thank you. See you later.

So I saw Le Tigre perform once and oddly, this is exactly how it felt at the time.

A few thoughts:

1. Does she really say "More crackers please?" "Linoleum floor?"

2. My sister Lisa liked Jem. I remember those earrings. The bad guys (girls) were called the Misfits if I recall. Is it a problem that my favorite Misfits songs are the misogynist ones? How appropriate is it that those were the ones that sounded extra-Phil Spector-y?

3. I love the parasol at 1:29 and 1:52.

4. That song from this album, "Les and Ray." I love that song.

5. Also, if I knew how to play any musical instruments, I would play them like these ladies.

6. If you play the video in two separate tabs, and start them 1/2 second apart, the drums sound all death metal.

7. Altogether this is the best thing I have seen in recent memory. This is like the best thing since Election Night.

Via Feministing.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your lyrics are dumb like a linoleum floor
I'll walk on it
I'll walk all over you
Walk on it, walk on it, walk on, One, Two!

Favorite part of the song. I didn't know you still wrote in this thing since you've been back from Guatemala.

Did you know that Kathleen Hanna is married to Ad Rock? I had no idea until I read her Wiki page.

Jen (Your sister)