Another Blog to Read, If You Are Into Reading Blogs Occasionally very grumpy.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Abortion Doctor Killed at Church

Today we hear that Dr. George Tiller, who survived a shooting (1993) and a bombing (1985), was shot dead at church in front of his wife.

It seems to me that there are two ways to think about this from a cultural perspective: one, that periodic waves of violence against abortion doctors reflect very little about how pro- or anti-choice our society is. Two, on the not-so-bright-side, that you have to consider the role of the Creeps with Airtime in raising the negative profile of Dr. Tiller and others to the point where they are targets of violence carried out by maniacs.

Maniacs of a less violent nature applaud Tiller's death all around the Internets. See, for example, "Why is the death of a satan worshipper tragic?"


Friday, May 29, 2009

Where are these green shoots they are talking about?

Check out this on the continuing depressing state of the world: Paul Krugman gives some other famous schmoe what-for, Bill Bradley sounds like he should take Geithner's job up from under him, and George Soros shows up because if you're that rich apparently you are de facto. A good read, but where are the ladies on the panel? Not sure if you've noticed, but Obama's been talking a lot about how he wants to encourage men to go into professions like nursing . . . from the looks of it we could maybe use some women in the profession of explaining why and how the world is falling apart too.

Really, Bill Bradley is quite impressive here.

Anyway, off to Pomona right now to see Propagandhi. I'm not even going to bother going into how excited I am because I've been wanting to see this show since I was thirteen years old. And I love going to Pomona, it scares me, and I haven't been there in several years. Big night all around. Again, I know it isn't fashionable to say this, but it's hard to think of a better punk band around these days.
